What Will Move You?

So I know this seems to be an odd time to ask this but…Why?

What got you started on this crazy train? What or who inspired you to take up this cause and perhaps give your ancestors a little brush of the immortal ? We all know it isn’t easy, it is often quite thankless and frustrating. So why on earth do we kooky family history hounds chase the ever-dangling carrot?
I only need to look at this photo to know. It is my Grandmother with my Dad on her lap. Two pieces of the” oldest child of the oldest child” puzzle that have molded a big part of my life. I think she is timeless and beautiful. I remember her warmth and the tenacity that she loved us all with. I want my granddaughter (the oldest child of My oldest child) to know her as well. Today, my send off surprise for you is the beginning of my own family history journey. I want you to really truly begin writing Your story today.PD_0063

  I hope that by reading my own ‘preamble’ you will be inspired and driven to start on your family writings. Have you started yet? Why not? How about starting by telling your future readers …why I started writing this for you, my family to come…you who I never knew

The Farmer Family Tree– a Written Account

~Why I Wrote The Story~

As written in 2006

I’m a believer.  I believe in God, Country, Ghosts, and Fairy Tales.  And perhaps because of this, I also believe in the Never Ending Story of who we are, and who we will be in the years beyond.

I have also come to believe that most of the moments in our lives go floating by unnoticed and without consideration.  Although no one could take an entire lifetime of thoughts and experiences and write them out or otherwise record them, in the following pages, I have attempted to preserve the “essence” of our beloved George and Margaret Farmer.

Writing this account of their lives and those around them wasn’t something I originally set out to do.  I had heard tales for years of a written family history that Grandma Farmer had been keeping for all of us.  Before her passing, I nor any of my cousins, had ever laid eyes on this dear Historian’s work.

Two years ago, she quietly passed away at age 94 in early January. That same week, everyone in Indiana was preparing to be hit by a nasty winter storm. The worst of the worst was heading our way. An ice storm out of St Louis was slowly creeping toward us. Grocery and Hardware store business was brisk that week. As we topped off at the gas station we found ourselves nervously chatting with strangers about what was coming. Something big was in the air. The skies were deep sullen gray and the forecast was ugly when the phone calls went out to all of us that Grandma Farmer had been chosen to distract us from petty issues. She had “up and gone to her rest.”


With the weather forecast growing more ominous by the hour, we all gathered for Grandma’s wake at the local funeral parlor.  Margaret Farmer was one of those dutiful women who always attended the funerals of all those who she had known. No matter what obstacle or conflict there may have been, if Margaret was physically able, she would be there to “pay respects.” She did this for herself as well as any of “the family” who could not/would not bother to.

 Grandma had clearly paid her dues. If the measure of one’s life was the number of attendees at their wake, she had made the cut as local royalty. For most of the afternoon and evening the line of persons waiting to pay their last respects was “out- the -door” long.  Mercifully the weather held back in due respect of sainted Margaret’s mourners. The ice did not start falling from the sky until the line of visitors had started to taper off and then finally begun to ease.

A side room at the funeral home,just off of the main parlor, was reserved for close family in attendance to rest for a few minutes and maybe have a cup of coffee or light refreshment.  After a few hours, I found myself seated near the table with several aunts and cousins (half of my genes are from this very big and very old farm family).  Seated on folding chairs under fluorescent kitchen lights the subject turned to Grandma’s “job” as the family historian.  Some wondered aloud exactly what sorts of things she had kept track of all these years.  I, among others, had heard we were “royal” way back when.

“I wonder whatever happened to all of that stuff ?” queried one cousin.  Aunt Leslie licked the pastry filling off of her end finger and offered:

Oh I have that whole box.  Your Grandma gave it to me to keep for you kids when she moved into the nursing home.  If you-all are interested, I can dig it out and make copies for whoever would want them.

Of course we all nodded, yes, yes we would love to have a copy of what Grandma had written. And then, as I recall, the conversation turned back to the horrible weather we were threatened by, our aching feet and who would be hosting Easter dinner when spring finally came and we would be forced to spend our first Holiday without Grandma at the head of the table.


Driving back into the city with my husband and kids that night, we were all exhausted.  A wake for someone like Grandma Farmer was an extra long event.  We seemed to have been related or relative to all of Boone and Hendricks Counties.  Half of Marion and Morgan Counties were there in the packed house as well.  When we were nearly home the sleet changed to ice and began splattering on the windshield.  I didn’t notice so much.  My husband is a seasoned snow and ice driver so I felt safe as we crawled along on the interstate.  Besides, I was too busy dreaming of the glittering history book I would soon get to see.  I imagined myself being delivered a dusty tome.  It would be leather bound, over-sized, with hints of gilt work tooled into it, well worn yet still visible.  I would sit down in my (imaginary) winged back chair beside the roaring fireplace (also a figment) and gently pull back it’s weighty cover.  A beam of glowing light would spring from within the pages and welcome me like a hug from across time.  It would be a transforming moment.

  At last, I would be in the presence of my Ancestors and they would eagerly whisper to me which castle to go rightfully claim as mine!


I will cut to the chase for you here…several weeks later a large manila envelope arrived in our mailbox;it was half mauled by the postal service. Admittedly, I had forgotten this gift had been offered on that very long and emotional day.  As Aunt Leslie promised, inside was the life’s work of my Grandmother, the former Family History Keeper.  The contents were not bound, gilded or illuminated.  In fact the history was a smallish mess of papers; it had originally been typed with care onto onion skin with carbon sheets between.

The work was started about 50 years before and at some point the originals were photo copied onto thermal (the old style office printers with the roll paper and ink drums) paper, and then again onto standard paper stock by Aunt Leslie.  The images were in various states of quality. From the thermal “age” some of the photocopies showed scars and scuffs from mishandling and paper clips.

A few mixed-in older papers were brittle or were marked with smudges from hair oiled hands touching them long ago.  There were inked-in notes about new kids born in to the family.  Even spouses were added in and marked through by hand and then sometimes replaced by a different name and dates. There were notations galore on the margins. Odd things were recorded; like the name of a cousin circled with “redhead” penciled above and underlined twice.

I wanted to cry when I saw it. This was not what I had expected by a long shot. It was a wreck. Mostly on common, modern paper. Barely legible. Wow. Bummer. A pile of papers dotted with names and numbers. The End.  

I had to know more.

Once I started researching and then finding…suddenly everyone kept looking at me and saying

Maybe someone should write that down….

Author: Mom

I am a writer who just happens to love family trees. As the self proclaimed Family Historian and Writer in Residence at my house, I blog to others about family history writing. When I first began this journey, everyone was bored silly with my "family tree stuff." Once I started writing the stories down, everyone willingly joined in. Now the whole family pretty much participates! Imagine that ! Follow along, and you can gain a little family appreciation for all your hard nosed genealogical research while learning a little something about the craft of writing too.

24 thoughts on “What Will Move You?”

  1. Having the real very old papers and documents on the family histories is not always the most ideal when not always legible and often confusing like, “Who is that? How is that one related?”, etc. etc. but that is where all the years of research comes in and continues on, as it did with me before and after receiving a pile of old photos, ged records and documents on the family history of my paternal grandfather’s family from Russia. So, when I created the long novel length story, The Informant’s Agenda, I used bits and pieces of the real stuff and threw in a lot more fictional stuff to created my story, but was a fun journey and one I am still on with a yet still unfinished story and manuscript and not sure how or when I can get it actually published.


  2. Loved this so much. I’ve written a few “Why Do This?” posts myself, but the funny thing is that the more I discover and capture, the more I keep coming up with new reasons and incentives. It’s hard to stop once you start, isn’t it?


  3. I began on Family History after my mother died in a car accident. Not long before the accident she had set out to put all her loose photos into an album. It was to be her winter project.
    I have various notes and scribbles of hers to work from and after years of sleuthing I am only in the dark about one photo from that collection.
    I have also made discoveries that she would have loved and others that would have bewildered her.
    The writing up of it all sits before me…..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so lucky to have all that stuff. Really, the writing part is enjoyable once you start! For most people though, starting is the absolute hardest part…be a Nike shoe…Just do it 🙂


      1. The photos were certainly a good starting point. The adoption I have recently uncovered is a real poser….if only that past generation were still alive, perhaps they knew something….or not?
        I’ve recently written up a piece on a Great Great Uncle who served in WW1 and that felt very satisfying.
        I need to get with my Nike as you say!!! Thanks for the encouragement:-)


  4. I was pulling for that gilded book for you, but better than nothing! Just think what our descendants will say about what we leave them. They will cry over the many many boxes and totes of books. If mine only know exactly all I have…..


  5. Reblogged this on Nutsrok and commented:
    Family history is precious. It is who we are, where we have been, and why we do what we do. Reblogging on Nutsrock. Thanks for the reminder! Reblogged from Maybe someone should write that down


    1. Wow, this is one of my more “long winded” posts, so that’s a heck of a commitment to reblog onto your own page lbeth…I feel really honored 🙂 Thanks


  6. Since I wrote this post, my sister came into possession of a huge stack of boxes, full, bulging in fact, of documents and photos and clippings for this side of the family. We have dubbed it the” 2012 Christmas Motherload.”
    Can’t wait to tear into this juicy monolithe 🙂


  7. Oh my, I can relate to so much of your post as we have a lot of commonalities. Boxes and boxes of old pictures got me started, followed by a Google search and discovering an excerpt from a book with lineage and history going back to 1600s. About half was incorrect but by then I was hooked on unraveling the puzzle. My aunt also became the caretaker of historic artifacts which she stored in various places in her house and attic. Whenever anyone died all the photos, letters and keepsakes went to her. She even has notes on tiny pieces of paper that her my great aunt jotted down before she passed on. All of it unorganized which is where I come in.

    Though I am orderly at heart I find the greatest challenge is organizing things as I go. I start off in one direction and then get volumes of information added to it. I know I am making headway, Ancestry has helped a lot in the process, I do hope that I get it in a more understandable format so that I can pass it on to the next generation. My main drive to continue is seeing the joy that it brings to my aunt, a woman I cherish and would do anything for…a woman with a wonderful disposition and a heart of gold.


  8. wonderful – a family historian! What a treasure – and I love that photo. Ohh…. your post just gets me a-going! I love family history and I’m so glad to find your site.
    Thanks for re-blogging – that’s a first for me. I’ll swing by again, okay?


a penny for your thoughts dear~